Searching for super cool status in English? This is the right place for you to find 101+ cool status in English, which can help you share with your crush, boyfriend and girlfriend to make them impress. We, Twilight Teens, share amazing cool status for teens to share and get attention from people on WhatsApp and other social media.
These are cool status in English quotes as follows:-
Table of Contents
Cool Status in English For Boy
The six-pack abs don’t make a man strong, but a good sense of humor and good heart makes a man strong.
It’s not the attitude, it’s the way I am.
Anyone can be cool, but it takes courage and intelligence to be awesome.
Love me for who I am – not what you need me to be. Take me or leave me. It’s that basic.
The genuine explanation ladies live longer than men since they don’t need to live with ladies.
Each issue accompanies an answer; however, my GF doesn’t have.
Somebody asked me: How is your life? I just grinned and answered, she is fine.
I am not Spiderman nor Superman. Be that as it may, I am the hero for my GF!
I am a hot man with a cool disposition.
Each issue accompanies some arrangements… If it doesn’t have any arrangement, it’s a Girl!
Dear Mario, I squandered my youth attempting to spare your sweetheart. Presently, you help me to spare mine.
Men likewise have FEELINGS, for instance, they can feel HUNGRY.
80% of young men have lady friends… The rest 20% are having a cerebrum.
In my home, I’m the chief, my better half is only the leader.
Dear Good Boys, don’t stress having any sweetheart this time. Keep in mind, terrible young men will consistently have the best sweetheart however they will never have the best spouse.”
Preferable to be solid over lovely and pointless.
Men hang out in bars for one of two reasons: Either they have no spouse to return home to, or they do.
Young men are incredible, each young lady ought to have one.
Man, of the year.
Young ladies express their sentiments through tears. Young men express their emotions using Beers.
An underhanded idea daily wards the worry off.
A man in adoration is inadequate until he is hitched. At that point, he’s done.
Each man is the designer of his fortune.
A reasoning man can never be bold. A few men have Hundreds of reasons why they can’t what they like to when all they need is one motivation behind why they can.

Because I don’t have A Girlfriend, doesn’t mean I am Alone, I Have a Food and Internet.
Folks resemble stars, there are a huge number of them, yet the just one makes your fantasies materialize.
Live quick. Kick the bucket youthful. Be wild. Have a ton of fun.
Young men. I’d turn gay on the off chance that they weren’t so provocative.
The style ought to be a type of idealism and not a type of detainment.
I’m not testy. I simply have a savage response to morons.
I can’t state yes (a man of his word never tells). Be that as it may, I’d lie on the off chance that said no.
Your demeanor may hurt me, yet mine can even execute you.
I’m a lot of a respectable man in what I do.
A man of his word realizes his activities convey more weight than any words verbally expressed.
I am solid. I am benevolent. I am brilliant. I am significant. I am brave. I am astounding.
It’s tender loving care that affects normal and shocking.
It isn’t so much that I’m so savvy; it’s simply that I remain with issues longer.
A man of honor never discusses his tailor.
Style is an impression of your demeanor and your character.
Just extraordinary personalities can handle the cost of a basic style.
In character, in a way, in style, no matter what, the preeminent greatness is effortlessness.
On issues of style, swim with the current, on issues of the guideline, stand like a stone.
Looking great isn’t vainglory; it’s a sense of pride.
You must be brilliant. The simple days are finished.
Please, nobleman; let us drink to our ineptitude.
I may look quiet. In any case, in my mind, I’ve killed you around multiple times.
God hadn’t made me attractive, however, he’d given me something, I generally felt: entertaining bones.
Habits matter. Great looks are a reward. Silliness is an unquestionable requirement.
Like me for who I am and not for who you need me to be. Accept the only choice available. That straightforward.
I am a hot man with a cool disposition.
How would you comprehend what it resembles to be dumb on the off chance that you’ve never been brilliant?
Cool Status in English For Girl
Try not to contrast me with different young ladies. There’s no opposition. I’m stand-out.
Great young ladies are trouble makers that never get captured.
On the off chance that you treat me like a sovereign, I’ll treat you like a lord. On the off chance that you treat me like a game, I’ll show you precisely how it’s played.
Sagacity is an ideal wonder.
Great young ladies are those which can help individuals, trouble makers have no ideal opportunity to help.
My psyche makes me a young lady, my mentality a bitch, and my class a woman.
I showed your sweetheart that seemingly insignificant detail you like.
You will discover a young lady prettier than me, more astute than me, and more entertaining than me, however, you will never discover a young lady simply like me.
Excellence is quite shallow however the disposition is deep down!
Be a young lady with a psyche, a bitch with a mentality, and a woman with class.
Not all men are fools, some stay unhitched male.
I love the certainty that cosmetics gives me.
Keep your heels, head, and gauges high.
Young ladies who don’t request a lot, merit everything.

Continuously act like you are wearing an imperceptible crown.
I may not be the young lady that everybody needs, except in any event I am not the young lady that everybody’s had.
Try not to look for a man that will take care of every one of your issues, he would not. Discover one that would not let you face only them.
In some cases, I want to be a young lady again because wounded knees mend quicker than broken hearts.
All young ladies need is a person who is taller than her so she can fold her arms over his neck when they embrace and kiss.
Satisfy a young lady. That is the most astonishing inclination she can ever understanding.
Each young lady needs a hero who can help her giggle when she figures she will never grin again.
You can’t contrast me with the following young lady. Since there is no opposition. I am unique, and that is genuine.
Have a similar outlook as a sovereign. A sovereign isn’t reluctant to fall flat. Disappointment is another venturing stone to significance.
Regardless of what a lady resembles, on the off chance that she is certain, she is hot.
A sure lady wears a grin and has this demeanor of solace capacity and enjoyableness about her.
A young lady ought to resemble a Butterfly. Beautiful to see and difficult to get.
For what reason can’t mosquitoes suck out my fat?
Be what you need to be, be the young lady you expected to be, and overlook the world.
Each young lady’s fantasy = to eat without getting fat.
I am a young lady. Try not to contact my hair, face, telephone, or beau.
Shrewd young ladies open their psyche, simple young ladies open their legs, and silly young ladies open their hearts.
When folks get envious it very well may be somewhat charming. At the point when young ladies get desirous, World War III is going to begin.
Ladies are more astute than men since they know less and see more.
It just takes one awful beau to understand that you merit a great deal more.
Treat me like a sovereign and I will treat you like a lord. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you treat me like a game, I will give you how it is played.
On the off chance that a young lady instructs you to disregard her and you do then you have positively no synapses.
The higher the better. It is progressively about a disposition. High heels engage ladies as they were.
Young men lie more, yet young ladies lie better.
Young ladies do what they need, Boys do what they can.
Folks have no clue about to what extent something they said can remain in a young lady’s brain.
Young men never acknowledge the amount one seemingly insignificant detail can hurt a young lady.
I will never be any man’s vacation, save time, half-time, or some of the time. So kindly, don’t burn through my time.
The somewhat dark dress is one of the young lady’s closest companions.
Just a resilient man can deal with a tough lady. A powerless man will simply say that she has a demeanor issue.
Act like a woman, have a similar outlook as a chief.
My Knight in sparkling covering ended up being a washout in aluminum foil.
Cool Dude Attitude Status in English
Kindly don’t interfere with me while I’m overlooking you!
On the off chance that individuals are attempting to bring you ‘Down’, It just implies that you are ‘Above them’.
I’m cool however an Earth-wide temperature boost made me hot.
I’m not merciless, I simply figured out how to utilize my heart LESS.
Recall a certain something, you may be a PLAYER. In any case, I am the GAME.
A terrible character devastates a pretty face.
90% of the time I state ‘BRB’ it just methods I would prefer not to converse with you any longer.
Everybody has an irritating companion. If you don’t have one, it’s most likely you.
Old buddies are elusive, hard to leave, difficult to overlook.
A standard each young lady should live by: Just because she’s lovely doesn’t mean you aren’t!
A sure lady wears a grin and has this demeanor of solace capacity and enjoyableness about her.
I’ll never be great; however, I can be better.
How you treat yourself sets the standard for other people.
What is important most is how you see yourself.
You’re generally with yourself, so you should appreciate the organization.
Just settle on choices that help your self – picture, self – regard, and self – worth.
Try not to look for a man that will take care of every one of your issues, he won’t. Discover one that won’t let you face only them.

I love being a young lady since I’m my Daddy’s daughter and that stones!
Fulfill a young lady. That is the most astounding inclination she can ever understanding.
It required some investment not to pass judgment on myself through another person’s eyes.
On the off chance that you don’t have regard for yourself, you won’t go anyplace else.
Genuine satisfaction comes when you can take a gander at yourself and like what you see!
Try not to contrast yourself with others. If you do as such, you are offending yourself.
Each young lady needs a hero who can help her snicker when she thinks she’ll never grin again.
Love is so befuddling – you tell a young lady she looks incredible and what’s the principal thing you do? Kill the lights!
I am a young lady. I don’t smoke, drink, or gathering each end of the week. I don’t rest around or start a dramatization to get consideration. Truly, we do even now exist.
Young ladies resemble phones, they love to be held and conversed with, however on the off chance that you press an inappropriate catch you get detached.
An astute young lady kisses yet don’t adore, tunes in however she doesn’t accept, and leaves before she is left…
A shrewd young lady knows her constrains; a brilliant young lady realizes that she has none.
The saddest thing for a young lady to do is too idiotic herself down for a person.
We young ladies, we’re intense, dear. Delicate outwardly at the same time, where it counts, we’re extreme.
At the point when a young lady cries, it’s not for the most part more than a certain something. It’s developed annoyance and feelings that she’s been holding in for a long time.
I love being a young lady. I love my way of life as a female, and I could never exchange it for.
On the off chance that you can’t deal with me at the very least, at that point, you don’t merit me at my best. On the off chance that you can’t acknowledge my past, at that point, you won’t see yourself in my future.
On the off chance that caring you isn’t right, Then I would prefer not to be correct.
There is no market for your feelings. So never publicize your sentiments, simply show your disposition.
Do your legs hurt from going through my fantasies throughout the night?
Single isn’t a status. It is a word that best portrays an individual who is sufficiently able to live and appreciate existence without relying upon others!!
Attitude Quotes About True Love
I’m sorry I mixed up the entirety of our snickers, long evenings, sweet messages and inside jokes as you giving it a second thought. I’ll reconsider before burning through my time once more.
I don’t have the opportunity to despise the individuals who are abhorring me. I’m too bustling cherishing the individuals who are adoring me.
You give me the sort of feeling individuals compose books about.
It’s my choice who I love and how I live. Nobody can remove that decision from me.
Disregard the hater because someone adores you!
Being ‘Single’ is My Attitude!
If you anticipate that I should be there for you. You ought to be there for me as well.
On the off chance that you love somebody set them free. If they return, set them ablaze. 😉
I am single since God is caught up with composing the best romantic tale for me.
Try not to make a young lady succumb to you if you have no goal of getting HER. :- )
Being single doesn’t mean you’re feeble. It implies that you’re sufficiently able to hang tight for what you merit.
I cherished a young lady and she made me extremely upset. Presently every bit of my heart adores various young ladies. Individuals called it to be a tease that is not reasonable.
Try not to feel terrible on the off chance that somebody rejects you. Individuals ordinarily dismiss costly things since they can’t bear the cost of them.
Follow your heart, however, don’t be inept.
Love resembles a bar of cleanser when you think you have it, it sneaks away.
A guarantee means the world. Be that as it may, when it is broken, sorry amounts to nothing.
The most ideal approach to not get your heart broken is to imagine you don’t have one.

You can never purchase Love… But still, you need to pay for it.
At the point when your ex inquires as to whether you can even now be companions directly after a separation, it resembles having a ruffian instruct you to stay in contact.
Individuals state you can’t survive without affection… I think oxygen is increasingly significant.
Tune in to your heart over every single other voice.
I choose how I live and who I love. The decision is mine and nobody gets the chance to make my psyche up. I choose and I pick.
Desire is simply loved and loathe simultaneously.
Individuals call it desire I call it dread of losing you.
In affection, if you fall effectively on your knees, you will always lose your upbeat consummation.
My demeanor with affection is basic – I do what I love and love will discover me end route.
Love is at the base of an uplifting mentality.
I became hopelessly enamored from the outset sight. I ought to have taken a second look.
Being sufficiently courageous to be distant from everyone else let’s lose you to welcome individuals into your life since you need them and not because you need them.
Love resembles war: Easy to begin, hard to complete, and difficult to overlook.
Love resembles sand trap the further you fall in, the harder it is to get out.
LOVE is the motivation behind why I despise everything live in this insane world.
Love is a fire. However, regardless of whether it will make you feel great inside or torch your home, you can never tell.
My genuine nature may not be consistently wonderful to the eyes of others yet as long as you think that its delightful, I needn’t bother with any other person to acknowledge me.
I might not have the most brilliant of jewels however I have the best individual in my life close by. That is something no cash can ever add up to.
There will be nothing better than discovering somebody who beats on a similar musicality as you.
Cherishing implies taking a chance with your heart – it’s a brilliant standard.
I wasn’t who I was after I began cherishing you.
Here, takes my heart however don’t break it, OK?
Regardless of whether it harms, regardless of whether you can’t be mine, I won’t ever resort to deceiving myself.”
Is it just me or am I so fortunate to have met the young lady I had always wanted who acknowledges me for who I am and consider her my own as well?
Before you wed somebody, ensure you give them a leggy association first to discover who he truly is.
Perhaps if I continue cherishing you, possibly one day, you will adore me as well.
At the point when he harms you with his words, recall it isn’t your issue. What comes out from his mouth is the impression of who he truly is.
In affection, no desires imply no torment.
If you don’t lose the sparkle in your heart, you will never under any circumstance develop old.
I am a sad sentimental. I never lost my confidence in affection to show disdain toward getting injured again and again.
At the point when I am worn out and ill-humored, I wonder on the off chance that anybody would be sufficiently courageous to even now adore me.
Remain with somebody who sees you like the genuine fortune you are.
Try not to close your entryways at this time. Who knows? Lightning may strike.
My reality is currently loaded up with grins when you opened the window into my covered heart.
Attitude Quotes About Breakup
What you figure, I will kick the bucket without you? perceive how much quality I am.
When you will understand that you have left moon while tallying stars.
Spare your pride if you cannot spare your connection.
I am liable for everything since I gave you worth more than you merit.
Giving an individual more worth than he merits he will make you useless.
I have lost everything except for I spared my mentality, it will bring everything back at this point.
Perhaps I was unable to give you anything, however, I gave you regard no one can give.
Every day I thank God for giving me a wonderful opportunity to wake up beside the person whom I love most.
We cannot change the direction of the wind, but always remember, you can adjust your sails according to the wind.

We think when we leave somebody, we have demolished their life yet we don’t realize that is the genuine point where solid people stand firm.
Love isn’t tied in with losing your value, your pride and your dignity, love is tied in with sparing every one of these things when you will lose any of them simply quit and push ahead.
The startup, think fresh and forget about the past.
Value people who sacrifice their something for you because it may be the case that there something could be their everything. So, learn from them.
Life is like a road with signs all over. Don’t complicate and confuse your mind with signs of mystery, hate, and jealousy.
Push yourself to your maximum limits, as no one is going to do that for you, you will have to do it yourself. Remember the world is SELFISH!
Every truth passes through three stages before it is being recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed by the people. In the second, it is opposed to them. In the third, it is regarded as self-evident by the same set of people.
Each break up is for a wake up of new life.
These were best collection of cool status in English. You can share with your friends to express your attitude. You can also express attitude towards your loved ones to impress and attract towards you.
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nice post – thanks for sharing this information!
Thank you!