Searching for status on beautiful face? This is the best site to find beautiful and cute status to impress your loved ones.
Today we are sharing here top Beautiful status for WhatsApp with you. These statues are collections of the Famous Popular Beautiful status. There are many people who are searching for the Beautiful status for WhatsApp, Facebook and for other social media.
You can check the below collection of status on a beautiful face for Whatsapp.
Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
Best Status On Beautiful Face
- Beauty itself is but the sensible image of the infinite.
- Always try to be more sensitive to people’s feelings because there are many times when tears mean happiness and smiles mean hurt.
- Tell a girl she is beautiful, she will believe it for a moment. Tell a girl she is ugly, she will find it for a lifetime.
- I love my family.
- Sometimes, you don’t get what you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve better.
- status on beautiful face
- When you’re beautiful, jealous haters come with the territory.

- When God pushes you to the edge, trust him because only one of two things can happen. Either he will catch you when you fall, or he will teach you how to fly.
- You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older.
- Love is a splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love.
- Nothing is lost until your mom can’t find it.
- The good memories are kept in your mind, but the best is kept in your heart.
- There is nothing more beautiful than a person whose heart has been broken but still, believes in love.
- Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.
- Communication is the lifeline of any relationship. When you stop communicating, you start losing your valuable relationship.
- Everything has beauty.
- By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.
- The amazing feeling, when a baby holds your finger, with his entire hand.
- status on beautiful face
- As long as I have memories in my heart, I will always have a smile on my face.
- Beauty is less important than quality.
- Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places.
- Beautiful status in English for Facebook and Whatsapp
- Don’t be afraid to say the words your heart feels. Life doesn’t guarantee another chance.
- True people never go out of our life easily. But, when it happens, they always come back at the right time without expectation.
- In every man’s heart, there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.
- Tell them dear, that if eyes were made for seeing, Then beauty is its own excuse for being.
- At the end of the day, we all want somebody with a good heart, someone we can trust, and somebody who’ll be there.
- The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.
- Sometimes time makes you forget, how to smile and sometimes someone’s smile makes us forget time.
Read more lovely status on beautiful face
Lovely Beautiful Face Quotes
- The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.
- You are perfect in my eyes. You are always beautiful. You are always wonderful. I love you.
- Time and smile are two critical things in life.
- status on beautiful face
- Unexpected text messages are always cute.

- Inside beauty matter is more than extreme beauty.
- I don’t like standard beauty; there is no beauty without strangeness.
- Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. Stefan Banach.
- I am a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile.
- When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.
- Hey you. If you’re reading this, you’re beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Smilleeeeeeee.?
- In every man’s heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.
- Sometimes when someone exits your life, they’re doing you a favor. They leave a space for someone who deserves to be there.
- Love is when you wake up, he is already on your mind.
- Top Beautiful status for FB in English
- status on beautiful face
- Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful. Zoe Kravitz.
- You can and should experience it all in your relationships – deep intimacy, burning desire, intense passion, and incredible romance – all gift-wrapped and smothered in love.
- Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.
- The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling. And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it.
- What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
- The real sin against life is to abuse and destroy beauty, even one’s own even more, one’s own, for that has been put in our care and we are responsible for its well-being.
- Hard words can’t touch a soft heart, but soft words can touch a hard heart. So, speak in a soft way, and the world will be yours.
- People say you look good when there is a smile on your face. But I say a smile looks good when it is on your face.
- There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect.
- Beauty catches the attention, but character captures the heart.
- A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases, it will never pass into nothingness.
- status on beautiful face
- A thing of beauty is a joy forever, its loveliness increases, it will never pass into nothingness.
- Sometimes, the people who are thousands of miles away from you can make you feel better than people right beside you.
Read more cute status on beautiful face
Cute Status On Beautiful Face
- Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful. Prince.
- Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.
- Everybody is beautiful to somebody.
- I sincerely believe that beauty mostly comes from within.
- I miss being a kid, where the hardest decision in life was picking which crayon to use.
- status on beautiful face
- The character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.
- No one will manufacture a lock without a key. Similarly, God won’t give problems without solutions. So, defeat your problems with great confidence.
- Latest Beautiful status in English
- The most beautiful view is the one I share with you.
- The fact that someone took a little bit of their time to make you smile.
- The most magical moments are those when you forget yourself in the joy of someone’s presence.

- If you do not do stupid things while you are young, you will have nothing to smile about when you are old.
- Real beauty is to be true to oneself. That is what makes me feel good.
- My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. George Washington.
- I don’t fall in love with faces. I fall in love with personalities.
- The problem with beauty is that it’s like being born rich and getting poorer.
- status on beautiful face
- One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. Lucius Annaeus Seneca.
- Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
- I just want to stay in your heart, honey.
- Close your eyes and see the beauty.
- A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.
- It doesn’t matter that you are beautiful to someone.
- Someone willing to do anything just to put a smile on your face is one worth keeping, never lose them.
- It is the relationships amongst people which make life beautiful.
- Sleep, the most beautiful experience in life.
- Beauty always comes with dark thoughts.
- status on beautiful face
- Nobody can take away your pain, so don’t let anyone take away your happiness.
- Don’t let the sadness of your past or the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.
Read more romantic status on beautiful face
Popular Beautiful Status For WhatsApp
- Tell them, dear, that if eyes were made for seeing, then beauty is its excuse for being.
- I know who I am. I am not perfect. I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I’m one of them..
- Real beauty is to be true to oneself. That’s what makes me feel good.
- It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.
- status on beautiful face
- Love without reasons is the most beautiful one. A goodbye without reasons is the most painful one.
- If a person wins without any trouble, that is just a victory. But, if one wins with lots of trouble, which is history.
- It is beautiful that you are important to someone.
- The biggest obstacle to our happiness is undervaluing, what we have and over valuing, what others have.
- The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain, children, all our lives.

- Let every day be a dream U can touch. Let every day be a U can feel. Let every day be a reason to live, because every day is a start of something beautiful.
- Love your parents. We are so busy growing up; we often forget they are also growing old.
- Beautiful pictures are developed from negatives in a dark room So if you see darkness in your life be reassured that a beautiful picture is being prepared.
- status on beautiful face
- When your heart is broken, let it break open, to even more love.
- Sometimes no matter how bad your day is going one message from the right person can turn it all around.
- I cannot say good-bye to those whom I have grown to love, for the memories we have made will last a lifetime and never know a good-bye.
- The fact that nothing is perfect, is what makes life so beautiful.
- Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time.
- Beauty is whatever gives joy.
- What humbugs are we, who pretend to live for Beauty, and never see the dawn?
- Inside beauty matters more than outside beauty.
- Life becomes romantic when eyes start looking at someone silently. But life becomes more romantic when someone starts reading those eyes silently.
- status on beautiful face
- Silent people have the greatest heart. Love is in my Heart.
- Everyone says you only fall in love once, but that’s not true, every time I hear your voice I fall in Love all over again.
- It must have been a rainy day when you were born, but it wasn’t really raining , the sky was crying because it lost its most beautiful angel.
- People must learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.
- Happiness is falling asleep next to you and waking up thinking I’m still in my dreams.
Read more very good status on beautiful face
Lovely Status On Beautiful Face
- If she Texts you Good morning every morning. It means she is thinking of you as soon as she wakes.
- We come to love not by finding a perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
- The first thing I imagined when I saw the word ‘love’ is you.
- I’m with you reading this, looking at your eyes and your lips, touching your lips softly with my fingertips. Making love to you in every kiss.
- status on beautiful face
- Distance doesn’t matter in true love.
- Sometimes, You make it impossible to breathe. .
- Relationships are like drugs. They either kill you or give you the best feeling of your life.
- Keep your feet on the ground, when your head’s in the clouds.
- The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you’re completely amazing.
- status on beautiful face
- You are my first and last thought of everyday, and everyone in between <3.
- You are just a memory of my love.
- From the first day, You had me – I was yours.
- If you love someone anything, then distance only matters to the mind not to the heart.
- status on beautiful face
- Love means two minds without a single thought.
- Cute status in English for Facebook and Whatsapp
- Meeting you was fate. becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
- I want to ask you out but I can’t find the right word. And my confidence level is low. 🙁
- I wish that I could put my status to what I am really thinking….
- The greatest thing you’ll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return.
- Someone has stolen my heart and you are the highest on my list of suspects.
- Love means never having to say you’re sorry.
- Be aware to touch me you may be a victim of Love.
- Love isn’t complicated, people are.
- status on beautiful face
- A true man does not need to romance a different girl every night, a true man romances the same girl for the rest of her life.
- A successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
- Your smile is the key to my heart.
- The happiest I’ve ever felt was that moment I discovered you loved me too.
- Don’t marry someone you can live with, marry the person who you cannot live without.
Cute Face Quotes For Her
- In the middle of life, love enters and makes it a fairy tale.
- Love is sweet, when it’s New. But it is sweeter when it’s true.
- People asked me if I missed you, I smiled and replied, do you breathe?’.
- All I want is to sleep and wake up next to you.
- status on beautiful face
- A life without love is like a year without summer.
- A Girl looks Most Beautiful when tears are welling up in her eyes and Yet She Smiles Back at You.
- Someone asked me, how’s life? I just smiled and replied, she’s fine.
- status on beautiful face
- Top Cute status for FB in English
- I want an honest relationship. No lies. No mind games. No cheating.
- To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.
- To me you’re perfect.
- status on beautiful face
- The best relationship is when you two can act like lovers and best friends.
- Never trust your heart because it’s on the right side.
- Heaven is a place on Earth when you’re around.
- I smile like an idiot when I’m talking to you. Doesn’t matter if it’s in person or through text or anything else. I just smile because it’s you.
- Every time I see you I fall in love all over again.
- It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other.
- The madness of love is the greatest of heaven’s blessings.
- Your smile is more beautiful than stars.
- People who hide their feelings usually care the most.
- If you are in love you can’t get out of your comfort zone.
- When I’m sad don’t look at me – just kiss me.
- Real happiness is when you marry a girl for love and find out later she has lots of money.
- Every girl has her best friend, boyfriend, and true love. But you’re really lucky if they’re all the same person.
- If I didn’t care about you, I wouldn’t get so mad at the things you do.
- status on beautiful face
- Distance never separates two hearts that really care.
- Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them.
Romantic Status On Beautiful Face
- I fell in love with you, not for how you look, just for who you are.
- Latest Cute status in English
- Don’t look for love. Quietly give it away and let me find you back.
- A person who loves you truly will never let you go whatever the situation is.
- status on beautiful face
- Since you’ve been around I smile a lot more than I used to.
- I think our love can do anything we want it to.
- Love is just love, it can never be explained.
- I’m in love with the idea of being in love.
- When I Miss you. I read Your old messages. :’)
- Falling in love is only half of I want, staying in love with you for till forever is the other.
- Some love one, some love two. I love one – that is you.
- Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel.
- Love is like a baby, it needs to be treated gently.
- Don’t lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
- Everything is fine in Love and War.
- status on beautiful face
- My heart always will be yours.
- Love is a gift from god and I have accepted this gift with open arms. I love you very much and promise never to leave you.
- I’m not drunk, I’m in love.
- Forgiveness is the Sweetest Revenge.
- Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life.
- If I got a $ for every time I thought and dreamed about you, I would be rich.
- When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.
- Popular Cute status for Whatsapp
- I’m in love with Whatsapp.
- People asked me if I missed you, I smiled and replied, do you breathe?’
- status on beautiful face
- As long as I have memories in my heart, I will always have a smile on my face :.
- Love is like a rubber band. You need to hold it from both sides by two people. When one leaves it hurts.
Beautiful Love Status On Relationship
- Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.
- Any person can say that they love you. Only a few will actually prove it.
- Love is magical and it gives you the strength to head and transform your paint.
- status on beautiful face
- To me, you’re perfect.
- When the angels ask what I most love about life, I’ll say to you.
- Thinking of you is easy, I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away
- Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
- Nothing is fine, but when I’m with you everything is fine.
- Some love one, some love two. I love one ” that is you.
- I want to tell you how I feel but I don’t want to wreck the friendship we already have <3.
- Sometimes following your heart means breaking someone else’s.
- You know you’re in love when you see the world in her eyes and her eyes everywhere in the world.
- status on beautiful face
- I may be thousands of miles away but you’re still the first thing on my mind.
- Your cute smile is all I need to battle all struggles in my life.
- Every time you text me my cheeks hurt! I guess I smile too big.
- You cannot buy Love, but still you need to pay for it.
That’s it! I hope you liked the status on beautiful face.
These status and quotes will help you stay happy and peaceful in your life. Also, I suggest you comment your favourite status and quote in the comment section below.
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